Register for the Beyond the Book: Amplify Your Impact as an Author Webinar

Date & Time

September 25, 2024 at 1 PM ET

Webinar Length

60 minutes

Join us for a webinar tailored for CEOs and entrepreneurs who have authored a book and seek to expand its reach and potential. During the time together, we will cover key strategies to strengthen your personal brand, enhance online visibility, actively build thought leadership, and expand/engage your audience. Lastly, we’ll explore creative ways to leverage your book for business opportunities and brand building, supported by real-life case studies of successful authors.

Fill out the form below to register for Beyond the Book: Amplify Your Impact as an Author webinar.


Your Curated Agenda:

  • Crystalize Your Personal Brand
  • Ensure Your Audience Can Find You
  • Actively Build Thought Leadership
  • Expand Your Audience
  • Engage Your Audience
  • Maximize Your Book’s Potential

Your Webinar Speaker

Melinda Hinson

VP of Authority Strategy

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Danielle Green

Brand Strategist

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